Curriculum and Learning 

We believe that an appropriate structured curriculum and effective learning contribute to good behaviour. Through planning for the needs of individual learners, the active involvement of learners in their own learning, and structured feedback all help to avoid the alienation and disaffection which can lie at the root of poor behaviour. 

Our Year 11 students will be encouraged to proceed with further education when they are ready to leave Enhancement Training Ltd. We will assist all year 11 students to produce a CV as well as help to complete application forms for Colleges or Courses they are wishing to pursue. If students or parents/carers have any specific questions or queries in relation to Post 16 they would be better advised by contacting the student School Careers Leader. School Career Leaders are welcome to come to our site and meet with our Year 11's.

Communication and Parental Partnership

We give high priority to clear communication within the centre and to a positive partnership with parents since these are crucial in promoting and maintaining high standards of behaviour. Where behaviour of a learner is giving cause for concern it is important that all those working with the learner in the centre are aware of these concerns, and of the steps which are being taken in response. 

The key professional in this process of communication is the tutor who has the initial responsibility for the learner's welfare. Early warning of concerns should be communicated to the learning mentor so that strategies can be discussed and agreed before more formal steps are required. A positive partnership with parents/key worker's is crucial to building trust and developing a common approach to behaviour expectations and strategies for dealing with learners issues or problems. 

Parents/ key worker's participation in many aspects of school life either in school or at a training centre is encouraged. This participation assists the development of positive relationships in which parents'key worker's are more likely to be responsive if the school or centre requires their support in dealing with difficult issues of unacceptable behaviour. Where behaviour is causing concern, parents/key worker's will be informed at an early stage, and given an opportunity to discuss the situation. Parental/key worker support will be sought in devising a plan of action within this policy, and further disciplinary action will be discussed with parents/key workers.

Classroom Management

Classroom management and teaching methods have an important influence on learner's behaviour. The classroom environment gives clear messages to the learner about the extent to which they and their efforts are valued. Relationships between tutors and learners. Strategies for encouraging good behaviour, arrangements of furniture, access to resources and classroom displays all have a bearing on the way learners behave. Classrooms should be organised to develop independence and personal initiative. Furniture should be arranged to provide an environment conducive to on-task behaviour. Materials and resources should be arranged to aid accessibility and reduce uncertainly and disruption. Displays should help develop self-esteem through demonstrating the value of every individual's contribution, and overall the classroom should provide a welcoming environment. Teaching methods should encourage enthusiasm and active participation for all. Lessons should aim to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding which will enable the learner to work and socialise with others in centre. 

Praise should be used to encourage good behaviour as well as good work. Positive refection should be a private matter between tutor and learner to avoid resentment. 

Rewards and Suspensions

Our emphasis is on rewards to reinforce good behaviour, rather than on failures. We believe that rewards have a motivational role, helping learners to see that good behaviour is valued. The mostcommon reward is praise, informal and formal, both publicity or privately, to individuals and groups. It is earned by the maintenance of good standards as well as by particularly noteworthy achievements.

Instant Suspension:- 

  • Possession of drugs 
  • Under the influence of alcohol or drugs 
  • Possession of a weapon
  • Intentionally/unintentionally striking tutors or other personnel
  • Threatening tutors or other personnel
  • Fighting or threatening another learners
  • Activating false fire alarm
  • Stealing

Instant Warning:- 

  • Leaving training centre premises without permission
  • Swearing at tutors or other personnel or other learners 
  • Not wearing suitable clothing i.e. workshop area
  • Damage to training centre property
  • Refusing to engage in sessions